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Brow Lift

Conveniently located to serve St. Petersburg, FL and Tampa, FL

Also known as a forehead lift, a brow lift is a surgical procedure performed to improve the position of the eyebrows. This can help reduce signs of aging in the forehead area such as brow drooping, forehead lines, or droopy eyes. By repositioning the brow the eyes can appear more open, friendly, and well-rested.


There are different techniques used for performing brow lifts and the optimal procedure for you depends on many factors. Dr. Caceres will discuss the pros and cons of each approach with you during your consultation and help you choose the best option for you.

The “trichial lift” incorporates an incision that runs along the hairline at the top of the forehead then courses into the hairline on the sides. This approach allows the brows to be accurately positioned but also allows the level of the hairline to be controlled. If the hairline is high then the forehead can be “reduced” by lifting the brows and advancing the hairline. This incision can also be used to reduce the forehead without changing the position of the brows if so desired. The caveat to this approach is that the patient should have a well defined and thick hairline in order to hide the incision.The scalp will have some numbness after surgery which should improve with time. The incision is closed meticulously to reduce scarring and the incision usually hides very well once healed.

The endoscopic brow lift requires five small incisions that are made in the hair so they are inconspicuous. Using telescopes the brow is then lifted from underneath the skin in order to achieve the desired result. These shorter incisions mean a shorter recovery time and less scarring than those from a traditional brow lift. Scalp numbness is also minimized through this approach. The forehead height cannot be reduced with this approach and the patient must have thick enough hair to hide the incisions.
Which technique is chosen depends on the hairline, hair density, skin quality, the bone structure of the face, the overall appearance of eyebrows and eyelids, and the position of the eyebrows.


Brow-lift surgery can be performed in the office or in the operating room with either sedation or general anesthesia depending on the patient’s comfort level and preference. After surgery, the forehead may be wrapped in a compressive dressing or left open. The stitches are generally removed within the first week after surgery. Patients should refrain from strenuous activity for at least 2 weeks after surgery. A brow lift is frequently combined with other procedures such as a blepharoplasty or facelift.


Depending on the patient‘s presurgical appearance and goals, a brow lift‘s results, which can be seen immediately, can be either subtle or dramatic. Eyes will appear more “open,” and creases across the forehead, bridge of the nose, and between the eyes will be much less prominent. Dr. Caceres uses a conservative approach to brow lifting to avoid creating a surprised look while still achieving adequate rejuvenation.